Kevin’s Platform
Land Use and Property Rights
As government grows, the rights of the people shrink. Private property rights are not only important to the success of our free market economy, but they are a foundational liberty as outlined in the early writings of our founding fathers.
Continually, issues regarding land use and property rights come before the County. As Commissioner, I will fight to protect private property rights and protect landowners’ rights to maximize the use of their land. I will similarly fight against misuse and abuse of rights when it infringes on others.
Budget Expertise and Fiscal Conservatism
With three years of experience on the Cañon City Council and eight years in the Senate (including two on the Joint Budget Committee), I know what it takes to balance a budget.
Whether it’s a budget of $20-$30 billion, like the State of Colorado’s, or $40-$50 million, like Fremont County’s, the principles remain the same. As Commissioner, I will search for efficiencies and cost-saving measures to help ensure that your tax dollars are spent wisely.
My experience gives me the ability to give immediate input on critical items such as 4-day vs. 5-day workweek, road and bridge funding, etc.
Zoning and Building Regulations
I’ve worked in the real estate industry since 1998, giving me a unique perspective and knowledge of zoning and building regulations in Fremont County.
That perspective and knowledge will allow me to hit the ground running with streamlining zoning regulations and ensuring that government’s grasp of our property is minimized. Complex regulations and guidelines make it difficult for landowners to follow the law – and make it easy for government to collect. It’s important that we focus on simplifying and decluttering our zoning regulations to ensure fairness.
Pro-Business Ambassador
Fremont County and the surrounding areas have historically been supported by government industries – a trend I’d like to change during my time as Commissioner. It’s time to bring more well-paying, private sector jobs to Fremont County and end our dependence on the whims of Denver and Boulder politicians.
As Commissioner, I will be a pro-business ambassador that helps declare Fremont County “Open for Business” by ensuring business-friendly regulations, lower taxes, a strong labor force, and a beautiful landscape.
As a business owner myself, I know what a struggle it can be to navigate government red-tape when it comes to hiring, building, expanding, and improving in your company. I will do everything in my power to make that easier for our businesses – small and large!